December 2023 Canlife Correspondence, Our Almost Monthly Newsletter

A year is 3651/4 rotations of the Earth, making one solar lap and returning to the same relative position to the sun.  

Early civilizations around the world had this figured out, centuries before the Gregorian Calendar of 1582

Many of the impressively elaborate buildings from 850-1250 CE at Chaco Culture National Historical Park had astrological designs integrated into their walls, so that on certain days of the year light shown through to illuminate a given spot.  

On a larger scale, this deliberate and relentless pull of gravity, billions of years stuck on repeat and billions yet to go, makes one year feel relatively insignificant.  What difference does a year make?  And why did we choose to start it on January 1st, at this point in our spaceship's elliptical path?

Each year we're drawn to reflect upon these last 3651/4 days.  Because, while this arbitrary set of localized astrological phenomena is actually quite small, we humans get to assign the meaning in whatever ways we like.  Pretty cool, huh?  We can hardly be dissuaded from making significant reflections about our life, the world, and our place in it - for better or for worse.  

For such a tiny company, Freedom in a Can, LLC enjoyed a pretty BIG TRIP around the sun!  Ranging from RV shows across the country, quick business trips to Southern California, major life events for both our families, reunions and graduations, wanderings along British Columbia's coastline using their ferry system, sea kayaking in one of the most remote places we've ever been, and reconnecting with so many friends and family are among the most significant memories this year -- check out our 2023 Year in Review video below for some bucket list inspiration!

This year, we started a new initiative to do more with our earnings and give to the organizations which are empowering youth, preserving our shared public lands, protecting wildlife, and helping make the world a greener place -- learn more about the organizations we sponsor. While we hope our impact has been positive, on the whole, in making this world a more livable place, we also have to face all those airplanes that got us around the country -- forty four to be precise. Yes, 44 flights in a single year...UGGHH!

As two travelers who espouse more sustainable methods for living on this big blue spaceship of ours, our 2023 plane trips (most of which were work and family related) are not sustainable. While we still kept our total miles driven at half the national average, use less water in a week than most households in a day, and never pay an electrical bill, we still had a shockingly high carbon footprint this year.  Even if our cumulative effect has a negative impact on our planet's greenhouse gases, through helping thousands of people make different choices by going solar, we simply gotta own those tons of carbon created though the ultra-convenience of commercial flights.   

Nostra Culpa!  Does professional and economic growth have to mean growing our ecological footprint as a by-product?  It's an interesting balancing act for sure.  While we don't usually advocate for buying our way out of our green guilt complex, there are ways to offset the necessary travel that we all enjoy.

Terrapass is a company which invests in carbon negative technology and projects around the world (aka carbon offsets). They are a for-profit company which offers a service to businesses and individuals who wish to learn about, and lower, their carbon footprint.  They offer two calculators, one for the super nerds who want to measure everything, and the other for the rest of us.

We used this calculator to not only calculate our offsets, but to better educate ourselves on what impacts our impact.  For those who don't know us personally, this is some of the stuff we used to teach at our former careers at the university where we worked.  If the United States is going to make our 2050 Carbon Neutrality Goals, we all need to do more than simply switch to an electric car. 

As you reflect on your own previous 3651/4 days, give this concept a thought, and let us know what you learn!

"Photos are a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone."

~ Katie Thurmes 

In Front of the Mic

Our 2024 RV Show Seminar Schedule is starting off with a bang in January and February -- 4 shows in 4 weeks!  

We kick off the year at the Grand Rapids Camper, Travel, & RV Show in Michigan then will be traveling to the southeast for back-to-back shows in Chattanooga, TN, Raleigh, NC, and Birmingham, AL.  

We'll be talking about RV Solar 101, Gourmet Camp Cooking, RVing to Alaska, Tips & Tricks for Exploring America's National Parks, and more.  We hope to see your smiling faces in one of our audiences! 

Resources, Resources, More Resources!  Is a RV road trip a goal for you in 2024?  Maybe part-time, or possibly full-time?  Maybe that road trip of a lifetime to Alaska is finally calling you?  We've recently added a ton of NEW resources to our website for all you dreamers, lurkers, and doers.  A great place to start is with this easy QUIZRemember: Don't let US live YOUR dream...we are here to help you make it happen!

Last chance for 30% off a Harvest Hosts Annual Membership for 2024!  This awesome sale ends January 12th. Use our link and promo code HOLIDAYHH to get in on this special discounted rate.

Blog of the Month: How Much Solar Do I Need to Work from the Road? ...and How do You Find Those Flexible Jobs!

Since we hit the road in 2012, we've gotten thousands of questions about working from the road and powering our lives with solar.  Solar has literally saved us tens of thousands of dollars, significantly reduced our carbon footprint, and freed us to be and work anywhere we want. We are currently sitting on the edge of Lake Havasu, Arizona with gorgeous views in every direction, an enjoying some amazing winter temps in the high 60's!  Building out a solar panel system robust enough is one question, but the other question is how to find the work that will facilitate your road life dreams. In this article, we tackle BOTH!

Video Series of the Month:  Our 11th Nomadiversary Q&A Series Continues...
you ask, we answer!  Keep those great questions coming by emailing us at or commenting on our videos below.

What are your biggest challenges living in such a small space?  
And, would you ever consider something bigger or more modern?

What did your parents and friends think when you made the decision to hit the road?

Hack of the Month: Sani Spray for Cleaning Camp Dishes
When we boondock in the desert or in places with limited water, running out of water is always in the back of our minds.  We've learned how to store/use just enough over the years by limiting showers, just washing the important parts, and never wasting a drop. Recently, we developed a new hack for dish cleaning that has saved dozens of gallons of water per week. And, it smells absolutely divine too!

Environmental Good News for the Year!  New Indigenous-led, BC Old Growth Forest Program

Having spent many months exploring British Columbia in recent years, we've fallen in love with the beauty, the people, and the flora and fauna.  We've also been thoroughly impressed with this province's forward-thinking, environmental activism, and the First Nations' involvement in land conservation and protection.  As a nation, we have a good deal to learn from our neighbors to the north, and this story is near and dear to our hearts.  If you've never traveled above the 48th parallel in the Pacific Northwest, grab that passport (or travel card) and start making plans!   You are in for a REAL TREAT.

Best Recipes of the Year!  Did you miss some of our fun, delicious, plant-based recipes this year?  From Spicy Cheesy Corn Fritters and Pumpkin Butternut Bisque to Woodfired Waffles and Happy Camper Cake, you can find them all here...Gourmet Camp Cooking: A Compilation of Our Favorite Roadlife Recipes.

What's in Store for us in 2024?  You've always gotta have a new dream, right!?!  Dreams are what keep us going, keep our minds curious, and keep our bodies fit.  Now in our mid-50's, we are cooking up some crazy, fun, new adventures that will take us to some pretty unique places using a slightly different mode of transportation for part of the year.  Don't worry, Hamlet will always be near!  Stay tuned as details unfold...Facebook & Instagram!

Make it a TRIPLE!  YOU, our loyal followers, helped make 2023 a fantastic year! When you use our affiliate links to purchase RV and camping gear / services, it's a WIN-WIN-WIN!  You not only help support awesome small businesses (many of which are started/run by women and couples), you also help us put gas in the tank, AND you help us give to a variety of non-profit organizations focused on youth development/ education, sustainability, environmental education, and access to outdoor adventure. Thank you for your TRIPLE support!

Parting Shots --  So many fun memories and friendships were made in between these two shots!  Can't wait to see what unfolds in 2024...

Sunrise from the Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina - January 2023

Sunset Over Lake Havasu, Arizona - December 2023

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