What's an Alaskan Waddinger? A Yummy Campfire Dessert!


At the Rendezvous in the Range RV Rally sponsored by RVing to Alaska, we learned how to make a fun, new, campfire treat...Alaskan Waddingers!

The Basic Recipe & Process:

You’ll need 3 ingredients:  1. Pillsbury Biscuits (Original or Southern Style work well, but Flaky does not), 2. Pie Filling, and 3. Whipped Cream.

Find (or make) a stick with a 1.5”-2” diameter at the cooking end.  The folks at the rally provided us with sticks made from golf clubs with a wooden “hot dog” like dowel on one end...  clever!  We were boondocking in an area with very few trees, so this was crucial.

Firmly push one biscuit down over the cooking end of the stick, then gently massage and roll it down until you form an upside down “cone” of sorts with the dough.  It helps if you stick out your tongue while doing this as it takes some practice, and a bit of patience, but it's well worth the effort!

Cook your biscuit over hot coals in the campfire (or portable one like the OTZI Grill), making sure it doesn’t burn.  When it easily releases from the stick with a light tug, it is ready to be filled. Careful, though, it’s gonna be HOT!

Fill your "biscuit cone" with pie filling, or anything that sounds good to you.  You could even make a savory Waddinger!  We aren’t huge pie filling fans, so we used fresh raspberries and Nutella, topped with whipped cream.  Yuuummmm!

Much like s'mores, you are sure to want another...so come prepared!

For a complete list of all of our yummy camp recipes, click here.


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