April / May 2023 Canlife Correspondence, Our Almost Monthly Newsletter
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!"
This line from The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again!" resonates with us on Hamlet's most recent 65th Birthday renovation. There's been just enough time in between projects that we've perhaps forgotten how much work is involved, and just how sore we become after holding an electric sander over our heads for hours on end. While it's oh so easy to kvetch about middle-aged aging, we have to remember that we got sore even in our 40's when we first dived into bringing Hamlet back to life. Hopefully we'll forget about our aching backs and tight hamstrings by the time he needs another spiff up, but who are we fooling now?
We've done some minor repairs before, slapped some new shellac in places, and completed one major exterior overhaul in 2020, but this month we finally tackled resurfacing the interior and replacing the vinyl tile floor. But this won't be a big HGTV reveal because we've kept everything the same, only shinier -- new boss, old boss.
The process was simple: remove everything, sand every wooden surface down with 80 grit sandpaper, repeat with150, repeat with 220, vacuum everything 3 times, remove dust with a wet rag and finally a tacky cloth. Paint a thin layer of amber color shellac* over everything, then repeat, repeat, and repeat until you like how it looks! Heat up old tile with heat gun, remove old tiles and lay down new. Sounds pretty easy, right? It only took us 9 days this time around.
*FUN FACTS about shellac! It's made from the secretions of the female lac beetle in India and Thailand, and takes anywhere between 50,000 and 300,000 beetles to make 2.2 lbs. of shellac. Considering that we used nearly a gallon of shellac, well, you can do the math.... but there's enough for us to maybe start calling Hamlet "Beetlejuice!" Now, that's what I call an "Uncle Bob Joke."
Here's to another decade of adventures in the newer, shinier, and oohhh so cute, Hamlet!
June 8-11: Mount St Helens Vintage Camper Rally & Public Open House, Centralia-Chehalis, WA:
Hamlet Visits with the Crew @ Renogy in Ontario, California |
"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine…it’s lethal." - Paul Cohela
- Who knew that Chino Hills State Park offers such a wild oasis in the middle of one of the most densely populated areas in the US?
- Despite being the lowest elevation on the continent, cycling in Death Valley National Park still offers some challenging elevation -- especially when you aren't in cycling shape yet!
- Waffles made on the grill are a thing, and they are as delicious as they look! See this month's recipe!
- The Monterey Bay Aquarium, is possibly the best indoor naturalist experience we've ever enjoyed.
- When a friend offers you their San Francisco Giants tickets you say, "Yes, thanks!" With dedicated ferries from the north bay right to the landing at Oracle Park, getting there is half of the fun. The Giants won this match up with the Milwaukee Brewers.
- You haven't been to Karaoke, until you've gone with my former classmate, Karen Kuo - the enthusiasm!
- Despite all the fun we've had along the West Coast, the real show stopper is all the spring wildflowers!

Over the years, careers, kids, and busy lives, these guys have proven that some of the closest friends aren't always those closest to us. Over the last 10 years, our nomadic wanderings have helped bridge some of that physical distance.
In 2008, he and a friend started making wine out of their garage. By 2013, they started selling their vintages under the name @revolvewine and moved into better facilities. That autumn we helped them put over 4.5 tons of Cabernet Sauvignon and Petite Syrah grapes into barrels.
Now, he's moved onto their own vineyard just north of Sonoma Mountain, California, where their craft focuses on the whole process from soil to bottle. He offered space on the property where we could refurbish Hamlet's interior. There's truly nothing like restoring your vintage camper among the vintages!
We've enjoyed his wines in many beautiful places and with lovely people. Check out their lovely selection at revolvewine.com.
Recipe of the Month: Wood-Fired Waffles
Coming Soon... Annual Canlife Camping Issue!
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