December 2022 Canlife Correspondence, Our Almost Monthly Newsletter

2022 - A Year of Major Milestones!

Whew, what a year this has been!  It began with jaw dropping sunrises at the "House of the Sun" (Haleakala National Park) from Maui's highest summit (10,023 ft), followed by some important down time in Michigan caretaking for Hutch's octogenarian parents.  It included an 8,000 mile, 5.5 month journey from Washington to Alaska and back, coaching some friends through a major solar installation on their RV in gorgeous Bend, OR, and exploring new parts of the Great Plains, Great Basin Desert, and Pacific Northwest.  

Along the way, we served as Featured Speakers at 4 RV shows across the country, and attended 2 rallies -- including our first ever vintage camper rally!  Returning to our "hometown" in the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC where we intended to spend the holidays celebrating with friends and family, Shari's parents both came down with COVID shortly before Christmas, and caused us to stretch those caretaking muscles again.  If there is one important thing that this lifestyle affords us, it's the time to adventure AND assist friends and family in need.  

But, it won't just be the stunning views, photographs, videos and experiences we captured along the way that stay with us, it is the connections between landscape and people that have fundamentally shifted us as a result of chasing down these bucket list destinations.  We are simply not the same people who jumped into our truck with Hamlet in tow and headed to the North Country last May.  While we had traveled on nearly every continent prior to selling it all and hitting the road in 2012, we both agree that our latest adventure to NW Canada and Alaska has fundamentally changed us...forever.  It'll have to marinate awhile for us to unpack it all; but what we do know is that if travel doesn't change you in some deep and meaningful way, well, you simply ain't doing it right! 

In addition to reconnecting with numerous old friends along our journey, we have made so many new friends along the way who are now part of our story.  There is the lovely family we met in Moab, UT who gave our camper a temporary home in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, while we explored southeast AK along the marine highway, the kind woman who offered us her driveway when there was no parking available near the boat launch as we took off on an overnight kayak trip in Resurrection Bay in Seward, AK, the cool people we rallied with in both Washington and Alaska, and finally, the wonderful family in Prince George, British Columbia whom we met on the way up and invited us to stay with them on our way back.  Your hospitality, great humor and friendship are humbling and we are in your debt.  

This year included many other benchmarks, not the least of which was our 10th nomadiversary!  If you'd told us in 2012 that we'd still be loving this lifestyle 10 years later, we probably would have laughed.  The fact that we've been able to turn it all into a business that both sustains our lifestyle and increases the love for sustainable travel is perhaps even more astounding. Many thanks to all of you who have helped keep Freedom in a Can rollin' down the road!

"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."
~ Fred DeVito

Sounds about right! This year was challenging in many ways, and how the challenges manifest never seem to be the ones that tend to keep us up at night.

Favorite Playlists of the Year

Alaska & NW Canada - Week by Week: 15 Episodes in Total!

We kept our cameras rolling with our wheels this year along the backroads of some of the most stunning wilderness areas we've ever experienced.  We filmed and produced a week by week series of our journey to our 50th state and back, including episodes dedicated to each National Park adventure.  This series pushed us both creatively and technically, and we hope you have as much fun watching as we had making them.  One moment sticks out at the end of our Glacier Bay National Park video where we had a close brush by with a 35 ton humpback whale who wanted to check out our sea kayaks at a closer range than might be comfortable.  If you are seeking to plan your own adventure, this series may give you some inspiration to take your time and enjoy the journey!

Renogy REGO System - Plug & Play 

The scope of our final solar installation video of the year simply blew up!  We thought we'd shoot a tight, 30 minute, step-by-step video.  During the project at our friends' house in Bend, Oregon, we realized that this was more just one or even two videos.  

And, boy did Erin & Jeremiah learn a lot!  They started with very minimal electrical knowledge and built a full-scale solar powered system in their 2021 Forest River "Wolf Pup" from the ground up (with some coaching from us).  This fun series covers each step of the process from the overview of the product to final testing and performance!  If you are considering doing a DIY solar installation, check out Renogy's REGO All-in-One Off-Grid system, complete with remote monitoring.  It's truly something to behold!  

In Front of the Mic

It's RV Show season again! In the Midwest, the winter months often elicit big dreams about summer and all the places you might want to go camping.  As RV Educators, we look forward to sharing or stories and insights with folks in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota this winter!  First up, Grand Rapids Camper, RV, & Travel Show, Jan 12-15th!  We'll be speaking on a variety of topics, including RVing to Alaska, Solar 101, and Gourmet Cooking & Baking!  Check out our Show Schedule.

And if you are in the market for a new or used RV, check out this article with tips, advice, and a downloadable spreadsheet designed to simplify the research and shopping process. 

Our Favorite RV Brands

We want to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to the all brands we use, love, and that have helped keep us on the road!  Best part is that the we have developed meaningful relationships with many of the people behind these products, making it even more worthwhile to support them and the work they do to help get people outside, camping, RVing, and enjoying life to the fullest.  

                       Seeking back issues of Canlife Correspondence? Click here!


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