December 2023 Canlife Correspondence, Our Almost Monthly Newsletter

A year is 365 1/4 rotations of the Earth, making one solar lap and returning to the same relative position to the sun. Early civilizations around the world had this figured out, centuries before the Gregorian Calendar of 1582 . Many of the impressively elaborate buildings from 850-1250 CE at Chaco Culture National Historical Park had astrological designs integrated into their walls, so that on certain days of the year light shown through to illuminate a given spot. On a larger scale, this deliberate and relentless pull of gravity, billions of years stuck on repeat and billions yet to go, makes one year feel relatively insignificant. What difference does a year make? And why did we choose to start it on January 1st, at this point in our spaceship's elliptical path? Each year we're drawn to reflect upon these last 365 1/4 days. Because, while this arbitrary set of localized astrological phenomena is actually quite small, we humans g...