July 2022 Canlife Correspondence, Our Almost Monthly Newsletter

Getting to Alaska – Check! We often get asked “what’s your favorite National Park,” and we’ve always shied away from a straight answer, I mean “who’s your favorite kid?” We love them all for their own special qualities. But getting to our first Alaskan park might have us leaning toward one. More on that below… We’ve been calling this summer our “Alaska Trip” but it has taken us the better part of 6 weeks to even reach that destination. We don’t plan ahead too much so that we can take advantage of side trips, unique travel recommendations, and rest / work days when we need them – not to mention weather getting in the way. “You’re doing it right!” residents tell us as we meander through their welcoming communities. With the effort and time invested in getting here, we’re fortunate to be able to spend the better part of the next three months exploring our newest frontier. It was an incredible feeling the day we crossed into Alaska with Hamlet in tow, our 50th state together, a...