Sea Kayaking in Glacier Bay National Park: Tips & Resources for Backcountry Paddling & Camping

Glacier Bay National Park loomed large on my sea kayaking bucket list ever since I read a trip report in Paddling magazine back in 2005. Over the years, I just kept thinking, "someday..." It was worth the wait! What we saw and experienced in this remote park cannot be contained within these scant lines – perhaps our video provides a better peek behind the curtain. While our expectations were light, low, and open, they were exceeded a thousand-fold. Humpback whales breeching near our tiny beach campsite, sea lions frolicking in all-night rave in the cove where we slept, sea otters gently backstroking through kelp forests while Orcas patrolled the channels with their mast-like dorsal fins raised to the sky, this is the stuff of nature nerd dreams coming true. Access to beauty, aquatic mammals, pelagic birds, and jaw-dropping views are easy in this place, everything else requires some planning -- and that's where this article will come in handy for an...