Facing Fears, Head On and Head Strong

Fears are not something you just get over, every time you face them you have to tackle them again and again…and again. When I was about 8 years old, I had a near drowning experience at the beach near my home in Southern California. I was a good swimmer, had all my American Red Cross badges to prove it, loved the pool, and spent many hours during the summer diving for things my parents would throw into the bottom. I loved it. But, the power of the ocean waves was different, very different. I was out in a small raft with my mother and a large, curling wave pushed us over. She reached for me; but couldn’t grab my hand. I was at the ocean’s mercy for about 90 seconds underwater, with the power of the sea slamming my head against the bottom time and time again as I tumbled my way onto to the shore. I was nearly knocked out and washed up literally coughing and throwing up water. From that point on, I wouldn’t get ne...