October/November '24 Canlife Correspondence - Connection, CORE Battery, Constellations, & Caverns!

Just a few days ago, in a Walmart parking lot, a young man approached, "Hey, aren't you the folks with Freedom in a Can?" Now, this doesn't happen to us very often, and if you think I'm sharing this to sound famous...think again. This young man came to our seminars at the Raleigh RV Show in North Carolina earlier this year and left inspired to give life on the road a try in the small truck camper rig that he had, rather than buy something bigger and less affordable. We made a connection at that seminar, and he approached us 9 months later when we happened to bump into each other in Idaho, just to say thank you! Actually, my friend, thank YOU! Connection -- that's really what this whole rolling shindig is about for us! It's the reason we left our home to color in the blank spaces on our map in person, the reason we started sharing our journey through pictures and stories, the reason we became speakers at RV Shows and on college campuses, and the reaso...