July 2023 Canlife Correspondence, Our Almost Monthly Newsletter
Haida Gwaii – Everything Depends on Everything Else While we deliberately seek out wild places, and live in them as much as possible, there is nothing quite like the simple act of unplugging, packing up all your gear, food and clothing into a sea kayak (or backpack) and exploring an even wilder place where we’ll be off the grid, and out of touch for over a week. The daily worries of our normal life seem to fall away replaced by thoughts on wind speed and direction, weather, food, and physical exertion. It’s not that our worries disappear, they just become simpler, and more real, like trying to set up the tent with a broken pole before the impending rain storm hits. Reducing life to the pace of a human-powered vessel, every once in a while, is necessary for both of us to be happy and healthy. It had been a while since we’d done it, and it was time. “Hayduh where?” Is exactly what we thought when a lovely young family told us about their home on the Haida Gwaii Islands. We all stoo...