Creating Community on the Road

A Smile and a Parking Spot We hear a few muffled words emanating from the car behind us, sounding something close to a frustrated, "You Can't Park There!" S he's just getting warmed up, and she hasn't even rolled down the window -- this ought to be good. I prepare for a local tongue lashing involving a lot of "You people!" and something disparaging about respecting private property -- even though we're just trying to get out of her way. Ginning up a big smile, she confirms our suspicions by repeating herself, only this time much more demurely. I can see the tired frustration in her eyes, this is not the first, nor the last time, she'd had to do this. I lean out to where her fluffy Pomeranian practically licks my nose and say, "Hi there! We're not going to park here, we just need to get turned around and figure out where we can; we just want to go out for a paddle." Our collective smiles, and eagerness to stay positive steer...