Phoenix 300 Power Station + Eclipse 100W Solar Suitcase = A Perfect Pair

We recently added these wonder twins to our mobile lifestyle and they’ve already made a huge difference! As our mobile business has grown over the past couple of years, we have found ourselves needing just a bit more power – especially during those cloudy and rainy days when we often hunker down and get some focused writing and video production work done. We’ve had Renogy’s 100W Monocrystaline Solar Suitcase for many years and loved it, but we were always curious if the smaller and lighter weight (yet more efficient!) 100W Eclipse version would make enough of a difference. In addition to upgrading our panel, we added the Phoenix 300 Power Station to our bag of tricks to give us a boost of portable power that charges in a wide variety of ways. Over the past month while traveling across the US, we’ve used the heck out of this combination of new components and have found them to be the perfect pairing to boost our small 200W solar power system – allowing our mobile life and busi...