Hike, Camp, Soak, Repeat

There is something so satisfying about getting completely naked in the forest on a Monday morning with absolutely no one else around. Our hike up the East Fork trail in Jemez Springs National Recreation Area leads us to the McCauley Warm Springs. Stashing our clothes on the edge of the upper pool, we ease in to the warm mineral bath. The sun shines through the Ponderosa Pine canopy sending rays of light through the understory as we relax into the moment. Soaking in hot water, in the middle of a beautiful nowhere, on a perfect day strikes a chord with me that goes all the way down to my DNA. This is precisely why we came to the southwest and to this little canyon in New Mexico. We used to have a house, with 3 bedrooms and a mortgage. When people ask us what we miss most about home ownership, we always answer immediately and in unison, “Our hot tub!” It is in fact the only thing we miss. Hamlet provides us nearly everything we need, including a sense...