Camp, Bike, Wine, Paddle, Repeat…

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. – Marcel Proust Calling it a “staycation” might not be totally fair since we just arrived back in the area a few short weeks ago. While we’re certainly not tourists, claiming to be locals isn’t exactly honest either. In the past five years, Leelanau County, Michigan, perhaps more than anywhere else, could qualify as home simply because we’ve spent more time here. During that time, and all the years I’ve been coming here since college, I never really thought about going camping. Being at my parent’s cabin was the whole point of coming “up north.” We never even laid down our sleeping bags further away than the back deck overlooking the west arm of Grand Traverse Bay -- and we loved it. No matter what we might call it, the forecast promised dry, warm weather and we aimed to take full advantage of it. Le...