Mayhem in the Mara

The matriarch charges forward claiming the land on which she will make her stand. She stares directly into the windshield of the small, white van like a prize fighter. Ears flared, trunk reaching forward in warning, eyes angry, massive bulk ready to charge…this elephant means business. Needing no interpreter, she clearly communicates, “Back, the FUCK, off!” Our van is behind the nearest, offending vehicle, but I’m wishing I could ease our Toyota Hi-Ace into reverse and give this pissed off pachyderm some more space. Shari fires the shutter release of her Canon at 5 frames per second, hoping upon hope that any might be in focus. Ahead of us, the driver keeps his cool and we all hold our breath waiting to see if Big Mama will back down. A few tense moments go by until she’s satisfied that the van isn’t coming any closer; they’ve gotten the message. She lowers her long snout and with one satisfyingly low rumble, an elephantish “harrumph,” saun...