Back to Africa

We left the African continent over two years ago, after only a month in the Peace Corps. We’d spent years dreaming about it and then many long months preparing our lives to be abroad for 27 months. Selected to serve in agriculture in Senegal seemed like a good fit for our interests and skills. We felt ready for the challenges of culture, work environment and language, but were utterly undone by something over which we had no control. The nighttime temperatures, hovering in the 90’s, denied us both any restful sleep. When we pulled the plug, it was both swift and effective. We had exactly 1 hour to tell our host family we were leaving for good, and then it was back to the city and an airplane to return us to the western world and sweet sleep. #firstworldproblems… But not all dreams will let go, despite setbacks as serious as that seemed. One of PC Senegal’s inspiring staff members said to us upon leaving; “only you can decide how ...