Updates from the Road

Remember the old joke about the two best days in a man’s life, the day he gets a boat and… the day he sells it? My boat is a house. When we left in 2012, I harbored only a few dreams that we might return to that house, that life. Within 12 months of living in Hamlet, I couldn’t remember what we’d put in storage and blissfully kissed away thoughts of returning there. Unfortunately, the house didn’t let go so easily. In late April 2016, we finally closed on the thing and celebrated with our new friends and amazing colleagues who suffered our almost daily updates of the house selling drama. The least I could do is mix them a good drink. This beautiful 1,650-square foot albatross in the Blue Ridge shackled us in ways that we are only now shaking off. I fully recognize how annoyingly privileged this all sounds. Our “problems” with home ownership are not the kind which make headlines, no renters trashing the place, no shutting...