Dispatches from Republica Dominicana Part 4: Las Muchachas Estan Gritando!

Las Muchachas Estan Gritando! (The young ladies are screaming!) The Dominicans know how to party, anywhere; they also know how to keep a party going well beyond when stamina would call it a night. I don’t know where they get their staying power? Perhaps it is the diet? Perhaps the sun? Or perhaps it is the national character which embraces the now in Taoist-like proportions. Not thinking about tomorrow may be their greatest resource – the source of their happiness and fountain of youth – and simultaneously a leading factor in many of their social challenges. But, it was great while the fun lasted? Tara, the intern from Germany, organized many outings for the students at our school. Each week she’d enthusiastically tell us about all the options available and the cost of each. We loved participating in this active social life of the school – some were free or very reasonable, while others were a bit out of our budget. Sin...