Hawai'i 5-O.M.G. Part 5: Frogs, Flip Flops & Feral Chickens

We decide to spend our last 10 days on Kaua’i traveling at a slower pace, by cycling our way around the island, which except for a small section of the Na Pali Coastline is entirely possible on pavement. Our route options are limited mostly to the main road, which travels the circumference of the island like the hands of a large clock, swinging from midnight to 10:30. Our happy little bike trailer partly dismantled for the airplane hasn’t seen much use, except the occasional beach run for hauling surfboards or groceries. The county campgrounds are dirt cheap, and though getting a camping permit turned out to be an adventure unto itself, they are usually located in or near beautiful places. Note to all Kaua’i bound campers, you have to get your permit in person at one of the county offices with money order in hand – as they don’t take cash, check, or credit. The hours of the extension offices remain a mystery because they were closed each time we went,...