We Don't Know What We've Already Lost

One of the great joys of visiting friends and family, in addition to the usual catching up, rekindling of the relationship, meeting the children, I have become the recipient of good books recently read. What’s more, I get to pass these on to others when I’ve finished. Over the last year, I’ve been a bit of a traveling library reading everything from heavy historical non-fiction about the Comanche to Game of Thrones – still not sure if I should thank my sister for introducing that magic 8 ball of addiction. I am grateful for their “pass it on” books -- not only for the good read, but also because reading a friend’s book narrows the space between you, like the way an old mix tape brings up memories of the person who made it for you. We spent a week volunteering on a BLM Ranger Patrol of the Green River’s Desolation and Gray Canyons with a former student of mine, Ryan Hygon. He introduced me to Edward Abbey, through ...