30 foot sailboat, 9 days, 5 port o’ call, 4 people, and 1 bottle of Dramamine

Hutch’s folks have had a sailboat ever since he was a kid; the first was a 14-foot sloop on which they all learned to sail. Frodo, as he was known, broke free from his mooring one night in a bad storm simultaneously ending his career as a sailor, but starting a new one as beach erosion control. The second was a 25-foot sloop, Free Energy, who had a memorable moment in heavy seas with Shari, Hutch, Mom & Dad, where both the engine failed and the rudder broke free within minutes of each other – having to be rescued by a passing boat. The latest and greatest of these boats is the 30-foot sloop, also named Free Energy. My she’s yar, and as of yet she’s not had any issues like her predecessors. We’ve been up frequently enough to get a few overnight and day sails on this boat, but we’ve not had the chance or time during July and August in our previous lives to take a week or two to get a bigger sail under our belts. So this was long o...